Year 1P

Year 1P

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Palm Sunday performance

As Easter draws near, we take this time to reflect on the events that lead up to the resurrection of Jesus. To commemorate Jesus' triumphant entrance to Jerulselum, the Year 1 and 2 children will be taking part in a performance to show the Palm Sunday celebration.

This performance will take place on Monday 30th of March at 9.15am and we would love it if you were able to come and see us! 

In this performance, the children will play followers of Jesus or crowd people welcoming Jesus into Jerulselum. In order for our performance to be authentic, we would really appreciate if the children came dressed as shepherds. This can be worn over their school uniform just for the performance.  Please don't go out and buy a costume as a piece of material, a tea towel and some ribbon or chord does just the trick.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Many thanks

Miss Prowse