Year 1P

Monday, 19 November 2018
Sight word review and end year results
Dear Parents,
Over the last few weeks of school, we will be consolidating the first 100 (and next 100 if your child is up to it) sight words. We have noticed that many children are not applying these learnt sight words in their writing correctly. We will be consolidating the sight word program from week 7 onwards and we will be sending home a copy of the words your child is not using correctly in their writing or has not retained.
We would encourage that you practise writing these in sentences over the holidays so your child can be best prepared to apply them into their writing.
Next year, depending on the number of words your child has retained, in Year Two, they may be starting on a different level of sight words. This is to ensure they are spelling the most common sight words correctly in context, so they can have continued success in their reading and writing.
We thank you for your ongoing support
Miss Prowse and Mrs Sherborne