Good evening parents,
A few messages for the last few days of the term :)
Sight words
As the holidays approach, Mrs. Hughes and myself will do a few more final tests to check your children's knowledge of their sight words. Please be aware that although we give a list of 25 sight words, we only test the first 10 words, THEN the next 15. We have found in the past when testing 25 all at once, the children do not retain the spelling of their words (both in isolation and in their writing) and they can also find the testing quite stressful. If you receive a letter to say that your child has been tested, please check if they will receive the next set OR have to concentrate on the next 15 sight words.
If you have any questions or queries, please let me know. Please see the first 100 sight words below for your records.
I know my first 100 sight words!
Easter Assembly
Next term the Year One students will be acting our the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. This will be on the
first Friday back at school (3rd May) at 8.50am. Please keep this date in your diaries and there may be a small costume request (nothing too big) for each of the children (shepherds, crowd people etc.)
Holiday packs
As the holidays draw near, I can feel your little ones bursting to get out and about and enjoy their break! I definitely encourage children to have a rest from school and enjoy their holidays but if you would like to do some writing about what you’re doing in the holidays, I am going to make up some little writing packs so your children can write about their adventures!.
In this pack, I’ll include:
- Some dotted thirds pages
- A guide of how the letters should sit on the line
- Some stimulus pictures that children can choose to write about if they feel so inclined
- A list of story starters
- Sequencing pictures that the children can cut out and write about
Let me please make it clear that THIS IS NOT COMPULSORY. This is just a way to encourage your little one to be more confident in their writing and letter formation when beginning term 2.
Some ways you can support your child with their writing at home....
- Read your child’s writing or have them read it back to you and comment on the positive aspects. For example “I really love the way you have used a capital letter at the start of your sentence”.
- Praise your child for having a go at writing words that are new to them.
- To develop word and spelling concepts it’s always fun to play games such as scrabble, boggle and even I spy eg. I spy something beginning with the ‘ch’ sound.
- Write notes, letters or stories together. Your child will love creating something with you!
- Keep a holiday journal where you might write down two sentences of what you did that day and how you might have felt after.
- Ask your child to label some of the things around the house with scrap paper - encourage them to sound out all the words and to have a go even if they are not sure.
- Ask your child to write to someone else in the class over the holidays - this can include your child telling them what they have been doing and even asking questions of what they might be up to.
- Use fun and funky coloured writing go crazy for gel pens, textas and coloured pencils or crayons!
- To practise letter formation, the best thing I have found is for children to use a thick paint brush and a bucket of water and let them go crazy with it on the wall...they will be able to see their writing, with no mess for you! Another alternative is to use chalk on the ground or wall which will wash off with water.
- Display their writing at home...children love seeing their work up and the fact they did it at home is even more special.
I will have some of these packs available on Thursday for the children to take home but if you are not going to be here before this day, please let me know.
I have also spoken to a couple of parents and I just wanted to make sure everyone is getting my blog posts so I have emailed this one just incase. Make sure you have logged onto our actual blog and typed your email into the follow me tab which will then lead you to a security screen which asks you to type in some letters or numbers.
Thank you for your on going support
Miss Prowse