It has been a big week 6 with most of the children completing 5 days worth of double swimming lessons last week! I must say you all deserve a medal for all the washing and packing you did each day, we appreciate that you were all so organised. We had no lost knickers or jocks and only one pair of socks left over after a big week! Yay!
A few pieces of information this week...
Sickness and hand washing
As outlined in the email from OLC admin on Sunday, if your child is sick or not feeling well, please do not send them to school. We are enforcing hand washing at every eating break, teaching children how to cough properly and I appreciate any parents who have also sent their children to school with hand sanitizer. As the classroom is quite small, we are asking that you please KISS AND DROP in the mornings if you can from tomorrow on wards, as we want to reduce the amount of people in close proximity to one another.
Reading and Maths testing
A few of your children may be coming home over the next few days saying they have done some testing with myself. I have been given some time to check and review the children's reading levels and Maths understanding and the lovely Mrs. Sorgiovanni will be taking my class this coming Wednesday. I will still be on the school grounds, just squirreled away for some one on one time with your child.
A new homework grid went home with your child today and I am so proud that EVERY homework book was in by this morning, well done to all! I love reading about what the children have been teaching you from school...I hope there is more than one thing, although I know it's hard to remember anything at 4.30pm in the afternoon! Our fluency maze focus is the ee/ea/y sound this week. Don't forget to tick the boxes at the top when your child reads the words. We are aiming for your child to read 20 words in 30 seconds (or as close as they can). Thank you for your continued support.
Harmony Day
Will be celebrated on the 21st March in Australia. We celebrate Harmony Day to promote diversity and acceptance of other cultures. ... Harmony Day aims to start a conversation about heritage, culture and community. At this stage, there will be no assembly this week but please watch the blog for more information from Admin via the school newsletter.
Writing Focus
Over the next few weeks, our focus of writing a recount has changed from a recount to a narrative. Although we will still be completing recount every Monday to both build stamina and develop structure, our focus will be shifting towards writing a narrative. Keep an eye on the blog for some of the ways we are learning about how we can split a narrative into five main parts. Exciting times ahead!
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Miss Prowse