Year 1P

Year 1P

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Just a final note...

Good afternoon parents,

Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that we have reached the end of the term! Just a few messages for the last day...

Absentees - Your child may have come home with an Absentee Follow up note in their bag. I would really apprceiate if you could please fill this out and return as soon as possible.

Colour Run - this will take place on Friday 11th December. This a free dress and we ask that you send in an extra white t-shirt for your child to change into. 

Christmas Eve Mass - The 6.00pm Christmas Eve children's mass is being held here at school this year. 

A last message from me:

I feel so blessed to have taught every single one of your beautiful children. With 19 boys in the class I always knew it was going to be an energetic year, but I would not change a thing!

This world wide pandemic did throw a bit of a spanner in the works at the beginning of the year but I am blown away at the Independence and resilience that has developed this year and I can safely say, they have been one of the best year levels I have taught!

Thank you so much for my beautiful gift! I feel so loved and can’t wait to finally have some time to sit down and enjoy the bubbles with my family. I truely appreciate you all as a parent group and thank you so much for all that you did during home learning...I'm sure you got sick of the sound of my voice!

I did say to the children that my wedding day is the 8th of January at Tiller Farm at 4pm. You are more than welcome to come watch the ceremony if you would like, but ABSOLUTELY no pressure at all. I’m hoping I will hold it all together for the day, but you never know what emotions come out when you’re in a big bubble of love!

I can’t wait to see some of you again next year and if I don’t see you before Christmas, I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing time celebrated with family and friends. I will try to put a few sneaky pictures on the blog as I feel like that is all I have been talking about! 

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 

Miss Prowse aka Mrs. Wendelin (as of 2021) 😍