Year 1P

Year 1P

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Welcome to Term Four!

Good afternoon parents,

I cannot believe that we are already in Term 4! I was looking through many of the children's books over the holidays and was astounded at all of the progress that all of your beautiful children have made! I am very reluctant to let them go in another 9 weeks!

This term our writing focus is Narratives and exploring the structure of narratives though the wonderful world of fairy tales. We will be reading a new book each week using a variety of comprehension strategies throughout with the end result being that the children write their own fairytale narrative a their end of year assessment piece. If you have any fairy tale resources you would like to bring in for our unit, we would love to see them!

We will also be exploring the structure of procedures and how they can be used in everyday life. With Mrs. Keast's cooking abilities (not my own) we will be making some delicious treats leading into Christmas!

Absentee Notes 

Over the next couple of days, I will be sending home some absentee notes for you to fill in. Throughout the holidays I allocated all of the notes I had from you all which indicate when your child was absent and logged them into the computer. I have a few dates that I did not receive notes for or have been lost in transition. If you could please fill these notes out with either (sick, not well, family matter, holiday etc) that would be extremely helpful for my records.

Thank you for your on going support

Miss Prowse