Year 1P

Year 1P

Monday 29 February 2016

Reading Eggs is also here!

Good evening parents,

You may have heard from your child that we have begun using reading eggs in class! The reading eggs program is a wonderful online reading program that focuses on phonics and helping your child to be a more confident reader. The Reading Eggs program is both motivational and fun way for children to get excited about reading.

Each child has been given a login which has been stuck into their reading file so they can access the program at home. Each child has or will do a reading placement test at school. This will place them in the correct map and reading level within the program. I am able to login as a teacher and check the progress of each of the students as they complete their allocated lessons. The children can read books, complete lessons and create and change their avatar (which is often the first thing they like to do).

The program is meant to become part of the children's homework routine for the rest of the term and into next year. A maximum of 15 minutes three times a week would be a great starting point to use the program. For the more competent readers who finish all the lessons in the Reading Eggs program there is Reading Eggspress which is an add on to help children develop comprehension, spelling, grammar and writing skills. This is a wonderful gateway to tie into what is being taught in the classroom.

Please view the video below to learn more about the benefits of Reading Eggs and the find out how you and your child can navigate each part of the program.

Have a look at the ReadingEggspress video too!

I understand that some of you have already purchased Reading Eggs privately, however as the subscription is through the school, I would appreciate if you use the school login so I am able to keep track of each child in the class.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.

Miss Prowse