Year 1P

Year 1P

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Week 7 Information

Good evening parents,

Week we are! We are almost back to normality with parents now being allowed into the school grounds! Yay!

In saying this, the way the children have come into school and settled themselves in has been an absolute credit to you all. They blow me away everyday and this has definitely taken a step up!

Just a few messages for this week...


Homework was been given out on Tuesday and glued in to everyone's book who brought it last week. If you haven't got a copy of the homework please let me know and I can pop one into your child's reading folder. This will be due on Friday of Week 8 (19th of June).

Please see the picture below if you are unsure :)

Our learning

As we have not been able to have parents in our class we have not been able to show you some of our wonderful work. Please have a look at some of the fabulous pictures below of our classroom 😎

Zebra art inspired by Dean Russo using water colour, edichol and black calligraphy pen

Our Fact family neighborhood from our unit on addition and subtraction

Our fabulous hybrid animal information reports which were inspired by the mystery animal - The Trabbit.

Our beautiful art reflections of Mary our Mother as a tribute to her through the month of May

Our funky money trains which looks at the features of a selection of coins and notes

We can't wait to have you all back in the class soon!

Thank you for your ongoing support

Miss Prowse