Year 1P

Year 1P

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Raz Kids Flight Check

Good evening lovely parents,

I just wanted to let you know that all the children have been assigned a 'flight check'. This is a tool that assesses your child's reading by recording them while they read, which then allows myself to listen to their recordings. This does mean that the device your child reads on must have a microphone - this is more common on iPads.

I would really appreciate if this was something you are able to do by next Friday 5th of June. I am happy for this to be the reading for your child for that particular night as I wouldn't want to over load them. Encourage your child to have a practise run with a few books in the book room, but please know this is meant to be independent.

If this is not possible to do due to technological issues, please email me and I will make other arrangements.

Below is a picture of the home screen and the flight check is the space ship up the top with the astronaut.    

This picture is what your child will see before they begin reading.

It gives them 15 minutes to complete the book so if they are able to find a quiet place to read, it would be helpful.

On another note, the children seem to be loving Study Ladder and some children have been completing a lot of tasks!

Thank you for your support on all of these new technological learning tools.

Miss Prowse