Year 1P

Year 1P

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Grandparents Day at OLC!

We had a fantastic day today celebrating Grandparents day in the Year One classroom. It was very busy first up this morning and we got straight into our activities.

We enjoyed playing some board games, doing some painting, creating a collage on the iPads, having a kick around with the ball and doing some skipping, reading and drawing and finally conducting a grandparent interview where we had to ask a series of questions about when our grandparents were young.

Did you know Matt Dollison went to school in a rocket? Most of the children were very surprised too!

It was a great morning that the children got to spend with either their grandparents, their Mum and Dad and in some cases a neighbour which was a wonderful treat for all. Thank you to all the grandparents that adopted a few extra grandchildren today, all of the children had a wonderful morning learning with you.

A few photos below that show just how special our Grandparents are to us!

Miss Prowse