Year 1P

Year 1P

Sunday 26 February 2017

Exploring the Sacrament of Baptism in Year 1P

During our Religious Education sessions, the Year One students have been exploring the Sacrament of Baptism. We watched a video of a real Baptism and listened to the special words the priest said, the special oil (Oil of Chrism) that is used and a lot of the children brought in things from when they were Baptised or when they were a baby and welcomed into God's family.

The children asked many questions throughout of week of exploring the Sacrament and many parents also said to me that they were being asked about Baptism at home too.

On Thursday we were lucky enough to have Baby Lila (a doll)  in our class and we were able to conduct a special Baptism for her. I explained to the children that our classroom was going to be transformed into the church and they must show the same respect they would if they were in a real church.

We made the sign of the cross when we came into the classroom and found our seats. The children the watched our Mum and Dad (Olivia and Hudson) present their baby to the Priest (Amelia) to be Baptised. Of course the Baptism couldn't take place without the God parents (Flynn and Emerson). The children learnt about the special words, the oil that's placed on the child's forehead and the candle and certificate that is presented to the baby after the ceremony.

Below are some photos of the beautiful ceremony that the children took part in.

On Wednesday we will be having a Mass at the school hall to mark Ash Wednesday - the first day of Lent. We will be talking about this more in class, but please encourage your child to think about something they could go without eg. lollies/juice or something that they can do eg. help clear the plates after dinner/help clean the dishes for the season of Lent.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Miss Prowse