Year 1P

Year 1P

Thursday 27 August 2015

A busy week ahead!

Good evening parents,

Just a few notes about the up coming week  (because it's going to be a busy one) so we don't miss out on anything.

Book Week

Wednesday is book week dress up day at OLC. We would love to see your child come dressed up as their favourite book character. I understand that this can also be quite a tricky task coming up with what to wear, so I have a few easy costumes which can be made over a weekend (or for people like me, the night before!). Have a look at the ideas below.

The Great Book Swap is also on the same day, if you haven't already, could you please bring in a pre-loved book to include in the swap and then an amount (between $1 and $5) to buy some other children's pre-loved books to continue their love of reading!

School Photos

School Photos will be in Week 8 (Thursday 9th of September) so if you could bring back your photo envelopes, that would be very much appreciated.

Shoe boxes

Thank you to all those people that have brought in their donation for the Operation Christmas child shoe boxes. Keep bringing in those donations and the $2.50 for postage. The children are getting very excited about writing their letters to the children involved in the program and it will be a good opportunity for them to see another way other children live around the world.

If you have any questions or queries, please email me.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Prowse