Year 1P

Year 1P

Thursday 13 August 2015

Shoe Boxes - Operation Christmas Child

Good evening Parents,

Over the next couple of weeks, the Year One and Year Two children are going to participate in an initiative called 'Operation Christmas Child' which aims to pack a shoebox to give to a child who has never received a gift before. This ties into our school value of Compassion as we are helping less fortunate children in need.

Please see below an example shoe box:

Your child will be grouped with three other children to contribute and pack the shoebox. We are asking you to encourage your child to do something extra at home to earn the money that is needed to buy the item to put into the shoebox.

Your child will bring home a note which shows you what kind of items can be sent away in the shoebox. We are asking for all donations to be brought to school by Friday 11th September (end of week 8) please. It is very exciting for the children to share in this initiative which has been a part of the O.L.C. Community for the last 12 years.

Thank you for your support.

Miss Prowse