Year 1P

Year 1P

Sunday 25 August 2019

Mission Markets 2019

Our Feast day began with a beautiful Mass hosted by Father Francis. We walked down to the church and learnt a beautiful new song about kindness and love using sign language. The children were so reverent and respectful and I was so impressed with the guidance they were given from their Year Six buddies.

Thank you to all of those parents who donated, helped prepare and helped serve at this year's mission markets! We made a massive $1700 in total for the day and the children had an absolute ball! I loved seeing the bigger children care for our Year One's!

The mixed media mural of Mary that will go up in the Library will be a beautiful addition to the space.

The afternoon consisted of various rotations of mindfulness colouring, go noodle, box construction, balloon racing, dodge ball and bracelet making...just to name a few. The kindness between all the children was an amazing sight to see.

Thank you again for making this Year's mission markets a wonderful day had by all!

Miss Prowse