Year 1P

Year 1P

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Week 3 Information

Dear Parents,

I can't believe that we are beginning week 3! The weeks are flying by! A few important bits of information for the coming weeks:

Mission Markets 

Next Thursday the 15th of August we have our mission markets! We are asking for donations of popping corn (the kind that can go into a pop corn maker) of one packet per child to be placed into the popcorn box at the front of the room.

We are asking for helpers to  help make popcorn the day before (Wednesday 14th) from 2.15pm - 3.00pm using a popcorn maker.


Help man our popcorn stall at the mission Markets from 11.30am - 12.45pm on Thursday 15th August.

If you can help on either of these days, please email me... we would be most appreciative!

Friendology Stuffies needed for Thursday

This Thursday the children will be acting out 'How to put out a friendship fire' with their stuffies or cuddly toys. We are asking your children to bring in their soft toys on Thursday to practise this great skill of standing up for themselves when they are faced with a friendship issue.

Bunnings visit 

Next Wednesday the 14th of August the Year Ones are very lucky to be participating in a workshop run by Bunnings. We will be making something very special for our Dad's for Father's Day so if there are any Mum's that would like to come and help from 9.30-10.30pm, we would love to see you there! Please let me know via email if you can come along.

News topic for Weeks 4 and 5 

Next week and the week after, the children will be required to present a procedure to the class. As we are learning about the procedure structure with in our talk for writing unit, I will provide the children with a procedure template but please don't feel like you need to stick to this. Some ideas they can present a procedure on could be:

- How to make a Vegemite sandwich
- How to make slime/goo
- How to make a bed
- How to make ANZAC biscuits
- How to set the dinner table
- How to unload the dishwasher
- How to wash your hair/dog

Can you see what I'm getting at...Photo evidence or samples are always welcomed too :)

The main aim for their news telling is that they understand how they can present to an audience while giving eye contact, projecting their voice and answering questions about their related topic. I will send these templates out at the end of the week.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Thanks for your on going support.

Miss Prowse