Year 1P

Year 1P

Monday 21 September 2020

A BIG Woo-Hoo for Week 10


Good evening parents,

We are so close to the finish line. I want to say a big thank you to you all for the support I have received over the very eventful term we have had. I wish you all a great holidays and cant wait to hear about all the amazing adventures when we return for the final term. 💕😍✨🎉🎊



Wheels after meals today was again another big hit! This children had a ball scooting and skating all around the car park. We are hoping to keep this wonderful initiative going next term too! Thank you for all the last minute drop offs of scooters/skateboards etc. before our lunch time treat!

Operation Christmas Child Donation and Money
Thank you to everyone for getting your donation and money in for our Christmas Shoe boxes. The kids have been watching videos of children in different parts of the world opening their shoe box. We wrote little letters and support and well wishes today and the final touches of our boxes will be happening tomorrow. Thank you again for all of your donations of money and items. 

Mission Markets
Are on this Thursday 24th September, students are to bring a wallet or purse containing no more than $10 and a reusable tote or plastic bag to carry any purchases. 

Faction Tokens and WWWF Winners
Naturaliste won the MJR token tally and Meelup won the Wheelie Walkie Waste-Free count, therefore both factions are able to wear free dress on Thursday (Mission Market Day) as their reward 😎

Just a reminder that homework is due this Wednesday 23rd. If your child is not here, please feel free to send their homework book in earlier. Please note that there will be no home readers sent home from Wednesday 23rd and for the remainder of the week so the library can do a stock take. We will keep the red reading folders at school over the holidays. If you have any home readers or library books at home please send them in asap.

On Wednesday and Thursday morning, the children's art work and published writing pieces will be available for you to take home. The wonderful Mrs. Hughes has been collating their work and will have it sitting on the silver picnic table outside if you would like to take it home before the end of the term. Otherwise, it will be sent home first thing next term. 

Thank you for your ongoing support,

Miss Prowse