Year 1P

Year 1P

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Week nine...feeling fine!

 Good evening parents, 

Week nine is here....and we can see the finish line in sight! We have had a great week of learning and the children have been very excited to (hopefully) take out the prize for the excursion! Even Mrs. Hughes and I rode and walked to school today to get the point we need to take out the win!

Just a few messages for this week...

Mission Markets 

These will be on Thursday 24th September. This is always a fantastic day celebrating the feast day of Mary's assumption. We will be celebrating a whole school mass at 10am and then we will move to our market time in which students can participate in a variety of activities.

The Year One children are hosting a popcorn stall on the day with the help of the Year 6 children to run it. We would LOVE some professional poppers to help out while we are at mass from about 9.50am-10.30am. It is always hugely popular and a great fundraiser!

Please know that all staff are very mindful of the amount of sugar consumed on this day and the amount of landfill that is produced!

Students are to bring in a small amount of money, no more than $10 in small coins please. A wallet or purse with their name would be ideal!

Please also see the request from Mrs King and Ms McFarlane about items to be donated for their stall:

Mission Markets Pre-Loved Stall

On the last day of school (Thursday the 24th of September) the children will be participating in our annual feast day - The assumption of Mary. The Year 2 children are running a pre-loved toy and game store and would love any donations such as:

  • Books
  • Soft & hard toys (clean)
  • Board games & puzzles, with all pieces

There will be boxes outside the 2M classroom for you to place your donations in. We thank you in advance for your donations 😊

Merit Award Winner

Congratulations to Jake who was the week 9 Merit Award winner. You are a Year One super star Jake! ✨

Operation Christmas Child - 

We will be making our Operation Christmas Child boxes next week, so it would be greatly appreciated if we can get our donations and money in by the end of this week. There is a box out the front of our room that you can place your donations in and please don't forget your $2.50 to get our boxes over seas in the post 😍

Wheels After Meals (WAM)

The children had the BEST time with this wonderful initiative last week and we will be holding this day again on Monday 21st of September (Week 10). Please ensure your child brings their helmet and protective gear otherwise they will not be able to participate. Hopefully we will have some glorious weather like this week! 

I think that is it from me! Please let me know if you have any questions or queries! 

Miss Prowse