Year 1P

Year 1P

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Raz Kids Reading Program

Well, I think there are some overly excited children ready to start their super cool reading program that the big kids do...aka Raz Kids!

I introduced the children to Raz Kids today and the response was very exciting! I am going to show you step by step, how to log on and keep an eye on your children's reading.

Students can read, listen to, and even self-record reading these books available through the Raz Kids program. They can also take reading-comprehension quizzes along the way show the progress that they are making. 

The Raz kids program can be downloaded onto the iPad or android or alternatively accessed through the Internet via:

When the website is opened, it will ask you for the teacher name and the name they enter is 

Once in this screen, children must look for their name which is their first name and the first letter of their last name eg. Angusc

The children will most probably want to design their robot mascot which is on the main screen under 'Robot Builder' they won't be able to do much at this stage as they need to read books to gain stars. With these stars, they can trade them in for funky clothing or colours for their robot.  

After the robot, the children can choose to click on the blue planet: reading assignments or the yellow planet: book room on your own. Book room on your own allows the children to read or listen to a book and then take a quiz without being 'assessed'. The same books are available on the reading assignments planet but if the child clicks on this, they need access to a microphone on your computer or it will be accessed through your iPad. Once they click on this, it will record them reading the book and take a running record of how they read and will add up their accuracy rate for myself or you as parents can access and monitor. 

You can access the parent login if you login via your child and then click parent access in the top right hand corner. 

I just also want to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you for welcoming myself into the school, I could not have asked for a more dedicated and supportive parent body and I'm truly blessed to have your gorgeous children in my class. 

I hope you have a restful and relaxing break and have a wonderful Easter! 

Miss Prowse