Year 1P

Year 1P

Sunday 8 May 2016

Camp Fun Run

On Friday afternoon, the whole school participated in the Camp Fun Run! We were extremely excited to get started and had our water bottles at the ready. We were lucky that the rain held out for us and we were able to have a wonderful run.

We each had a stamp chart which we got stamped after every lap and we couldn't imagine that some people would reach 34 laps! We grooved along to some great music and at the end got a wonderful icy pole from the P and F.

A big thank you to Sally Gray, Peter McClenaughan and Jodie Spencer who were our expert stampers during the event.

We had a wonderful time raising money for our Year Six students.

If you have not already, could you please bring in your Fun Run money and form. If you have misplaced your form, please head into the office to grab another one.

Thank you for your ongoing support

Miss Prowse