Year 1P

Year 1P

Monday 16 May 2016

Food Garden Volunteers

Good afternoon parents,

We are looking to start our Food Garden bean plants this week and would love if any parents could come in and help make the newspaper pots to plant our bean seeds into. We would also require some assistance to put the seeds into the soil.

We will require a few parents on Wednesday morning (18th May) from 8.50am - 9.15 am to help construct the newspaper pots in the wet area.

Thursday will be our planting day. If you could assist with this from 9.05am - 9.30 am approx. that would be very helpful. Some hands might get dirty - but we have soap :)

If you are able to assist with either Wednesday or Thursday morning, after drop off, please email me.

We are looking forward to growing some delicious broad beans!

Miss Prowse