Year 1P

Year 1P

Sunday 15 May 2016

Think Mental Math books

Good evening parents,

Thank you for all of those people who made sure their children handed in and completed the first unit of their Think Mental Math books on Friday. If for some reason they did not get to me by last Friday, could you please hand them in ASAP.

It was great to see all of the children's math understanding represented in their Think Mental's Math book. Some children also completed the second unit with great eagerness. However I would like to ensure the concepts are taught adequately in class so please refrain from letting your child complete more than the set amount.

It's not very often the teacher has to ask children to stop doing homework :)

This next fortnight (Weeks 4 and 5) the children are required to complete Unit 2 ONLY. It will be due back to class on Friday 27th of May.

In conjunction with the Think Mental Math books, the children are also encouraged to complete:

- Reading every night - to help their fluency and comprehension
- Sight words - to be able to both read and spell them
- Mathletics tasks - set according to the concept we are learning
- Reading Eggs activities - set in relation to their reading level and spelling group

We are learning lots in Year One and we thank you for your ongoing support!

Miss Prowse