Year 1P

Year 1P

Monday 15 October 2018

Week 2 Information

Good evening parents, 

Just a few reminders for week 2. I hope all of those who attended family camp had a wonderful time!

Think Mental's Homework

Units to be completed this term are as follows:
Week 2: Unit 16
Week 3: Unit 17
Week 4: Unit 18
Week 5: Unit 19
Week 6: Unit 20
Week 7: Unit 21
Week 8: Unit 22
Week 9: Unit 23
If your child is a keen Mathematician they can go ahead in their books this term, or even complete a few of the remaining units over the summer holidays in preparation for Year Two.


Some absentee letters will go home this week for any unaccounted absences throughout the year. Please write a brief reason for your child's absence, sign and send back to school. Gold stars for those of you who have sent in all absentee notes for the year!!

School Fete

There is a box in the classroom for donations of lollies for the school fete. Many thanks to those of you who have already contributed. Please refer to the letter from the P&F regarding important information for the fete on the 11th November.

Buddy Mass

This Wednesday, the Year Ones will walk to the church with their Year Six buddies to attend mass (weather dependent). Parents are most welcome to join us at the church from 9:30am.

Class Mass

The Year One family mass is scheduled for Saturday 27th October at 6pm. All Year One families are invited to the church to celebrate mass with Fr Ian, followed by pizzas after mass.

Phew, I think that's it!

Thank you for your ongoing support :)

Mis Prowse