Year 1P

Year 1P

Sunday 21 October 2018

Week 3 Information

I hope you've all had a restful weekend and ready to take on week 3! There are a couple of reminders for the coming weeks below: 

Year One Family Mass 

On Saturday at 6pm the children in Year One's and their families are invited to attend Mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cross church at 6pm. This will be a wonderful opportunity to come together as a class community and celebrate a beautiful Mass together. There will be pizza after the Mass for the children.

Donation of lollies for the Fete

Thank you to all of those people who have donated lollies to the Fete so far. If you haven't donated yet, the box is out in the wet area just outside our classroom. 

STEM Project - Newspapers required!

What is black, white and read all over....? NEWSPAPER! 
As a part of our Science project for this term, the children will be creating a chair for Baby Bear made entirely out of newspaper. The children must work together in teams to bend, stretch and manipulate the newspaper to be sturdy enough to hold a toy bear. We are easking for donations of newspaper over the next few weeks and more information about the task (and parent helpers) will be announced shortly. 

Castles Project

This term in Visual Arts and Technology we have been exploring the characteristics and features of castles. We already know that castles have been made popular by some fairy tales and that they are an important part of history, particularly in Europe.
This website contains some fun facts about castles that you can read to your child at home:

On Friday of Week 5, we will be using recycled materials such as cardboard boxes, netting, plastic lids and any other materials that the children can think of, to construct our own castles. Next week I will update our blog with a list of materials that the children and I have brainstormed together. From there, we will need to get collecting at home! If each child could bring their materials to school in a bag labelled with their name on it by Friday 9th November (Week 5) that would be fantastic! We will also prepare some materials which we already have at school that the children can access on the day. If you can help on this day from 10am-11am with our castle construction, please contact me by email, or let me know in the classroom.

Miss Prowse