Year 1P

Year 1P

Sunday 7 October 2018

Welcome To Term 4

Here we are approaching the beginning of Term 4! What a whirlwind of learning, fun and events we have experienced this year so far!


Think Mentals: We will continue to complete one unit per week next term, however if your child is a keen Mathematician they are able to work further into the following units if they wish.

Reading: We will continue to send readers home every two days for nightly reading this term.

Sight Words: The children will be tested early on in the term and we will continue to send home personal sight word lists throughout Term 4. Please watch the blog later this week for some important info about sight words when your child reaches past stage three words.


A photograph of the News roster/groups is as below and the rosters will also be placed up on the parent board outside the classroom.

Gathering Time

Just a reminder that we have Gathering Time from 8:30-8:45am in the classroom. The children are required to be at school by the 8:45am bell, to allow them time to organise their materials and transition into the school day. This important time in the morning sets the precedent for the day and allows for a smooth transition into the morning routine.

Lost Property

The office has advised that there are many lost jumpers currently in the lost property box. If you are missing any jumpers please take a look at the lost property box ASAP.

Dates for Your Diary

Tuesday 9th October: Students Commence & Constable Care Incursion
Thursday 11th October: Scitech Incursion
Saturday 27th October: Year One Family Mass @ 6pm at the OLC Church
Friday 2nd November; Year 1P Prayer Assembly
Sunday 11th November : OLC School Fete
Please refer to the calendar on the school website for other events throughout the term.

Thank you!

Thank you for another fabulous term in Year One. A special thanks to those of you who have been able to assist in the classroom for parent help, making our Maths pencil cases, preparing other resources and assisting on our excursion.  I hope you have all had a thoroughly enjoyable holiday break with your children and are ready for our final term of Year One. Our new parent help roster for the term will be placed up on the parent information board outside the classroom.

Miss Prowse